Luma Pictures joined forces with Netflix for the riveting action-thriller Heart of Stone, starring Gal Gadot. The film follows the journey of an intelligence operative battling to stop a hacker's attempt to seize a coveted and dangerous weapon held by a covert global peacekeeping agency.
Guided by Director Tom Harper and Production Visual Effects Supervisor Mark Breakspear, Luma's team, led by VFX Supervisor Farhad Mohasseb, was called upon to bring the thrilling Lisbon car chase sequence to life. In the sequence, Gal Gadot's character, Rachel Stone, engages in a heart-pounding chase through the historic, cobble-stone streets of Lisbon. She drives a van through the incredibly narrow street as she’s chased by numerous cars firing guns at her. “Luma's contribution encompassed seamlessly extended sets, blazing cars, explosions, and an array of full CG shots, featuring everything from CG vans and trams to SUVs, and a digital crowd,” says Farhad.