Secret Invasion: Season 1
Who do you trust?
  • Director
    Ali Selim
  • Studio
    Marvel Studios
  • VFX Studio
    Luma Pictures
Secret Invasion

Luma Pictures teamed up with Marvel Studios on their latest hit, Secret Invasion, to deliver more than 100 visual effects shots. The series follows Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) as he learns of a secret invasion of Earth by a faction of shapeshifting Skrulls. Fury joins his allies, and together they race against time to thwart an imminent Skrull invasion and save humanity.

For this gripping series, Luma’s work encompassed an array of visual elements including digital screens, mind-fracking effects, and intricate Skrull transformations. Additionally, our involvement extended to the significant final moments of episode 6, where we contributed to the creation of the space elevator scene and the conversation between Samuel L. Jackson and Charlayne Woodard.

Stephen Borneman

Associate VFX Supervisor

The Skrull transformations presented us with an interesting challenge. They needed to be quick but readable, noticeable but believable, and in line with the visual language of the show.”

A prime example of this complexity was the climactic transformation of Priscilla/Varra, transitioning from human to Skrull form. This transformation occupied the entirety of the frame, devoid of any distractions, set against an emotionally charged backdrop. We meticulously orchestrated every element to weave seamlessly together, enhancing the narrative's impact without overshadowing the filmmakers' intended moment. We also faced the additional challenge of aligning our work with the practical shots featuring prosthetic makeup. “It was a great opportunity for the team to create this shot where it felt beautiful and purposeful without it being distracting,” said Borneman.

Within this sequence, we encountered a blend of intricate smaller challenges beyond Priscilla’s striking transformation. We also contributed a variety of detailed invisible VFX work, which encompassed seamlessly merging green screen footage with live actors and environmental footage in the field with their stand-in doubles. To ensure the utmost visual cohesion, we reconstructed the background environment to work for both intimate close-ups and sweeping wide shots. We added atmospheric elements, including the space elevator light beam, and the space elevator structure itself.
