In the highly-anticipated sequel to Doctor Strange from director Sam Raimi, Doctor Stephen Strange teams up with a mysterious teenage girl from his dreams who can travel across the multiverse. They battle multiple threats, including other-universe versions of himself, which threaten to wipe out millions across the multiverse. In this epic journey, they seek help from familiar faces such as Wanda the Scarlet Witch, Wong, and others.
The film first features a thrilling Tentacle Creature Battle sequence, which was made possible by Luma Pictures, who worked closely with director Sam Raimi and VFX Supervisor Janek Sirrs to create this visually stunning battle. The scene features Gargantos, the giant one-eyed octopus, wreaking havoc on the streets of New York City, and Doctor Strange and Wong must fight the creature to save America Chavez. Luma’s Senior VFX Supervisor, Olivier Dumont, led the crew to deliver close to 270 shots that involved intricate creature work, digi doubles, crowds, and complex environments and effects.