"Spider-Man: No Way Home" is the latest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and fans are in for a treat as Peter Parker teams up with Doctor Strange to save New York City from dangerous foes from other worlds. The film has been a massive undertaking, with Luma Pictures playing a crucial role in bringing some of the most action-packed sequences to life.
After collaborating with Marvel Studios and Director Jon Watts on Homecoming and Far From Home, Luma Pictures was invited back to work on two key sequences in the film, leading the asset creation of the black and red suit and collaborating with Marvel to design and create the new black and gold suit for the film. The Luma Art Department conceptualized and designed the black and gold suit in collaboration with Marvel's team, featuring intricate circuitry that was hand-painted by Luma's artists. The black and gold suit was modeled, textured and look-developed from the ground up, and the Luma team used references including wetsuits and LED clothing to achieve the suit's unique inside-out look.